• New Jersey's 9th Legislative District


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      Senator Christopher J. Connors of the 9th Legislative District was awarded the ‘Distinctive Alumni Leadership Award’ by the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton College. (Press Release)

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      Senator Chris Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove of the 9th District visited Tabernacle, NJ on September 17, 2013 to meet with local officials and emergency responders.

    • Asw. DiAnne Gove (l), Asm. Brian Rumpf (c) and Sen. Chris Connors (r) of the 9th Legislative District at Beach Haven School on September 4, 2013. They were joined by Gov. Chris Christie and Education Commissioner Chris Cerf to celebrate the reopening of the Superstorm Sandy damaged school.

    • Senator Christopher Connors (R-9) attended the Absecon-Galloway Rotary breakfast on August 8, 2013. Connors (center) spoke about topics including school accountability and Sandy restoration projects. (Galloway Patriot)

    • Senator Chris Connors (R-9) being interviewed prior to a town hall meeting held by Governor Chris Christie in Stafford Township on January 17, 2013.

    • Assemblyman Brian Rumpf (left), Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove (center) and Senator Chris Connors (right) of the 9th legislative district.

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      Senator Christopher Connors (R-9) reviewing legislation during a recent Senate session.




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    Legislation sponsored by Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf, and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove which would extend the current disabled veteran’s property tax exemption to disabled veteran shareholders and their surviving spouses residing in a cooperative or mutual housing corporation was passed by the State Senate on July 30 of this year.


    Legislation sponsored by Connors, Rumpf & Gove to help more veterans qualify for the disabled veteran’s property tax exemption was passed by the New Jersey Senate. (©iStock)

    The 9th District legislators issued the following statement regarding the advancement of their veterans’ initiative (S-956):

    “This legislative proposal was introduced to correct a discrepancy in State whereby disabled veterans could not receive the veteran’s property tax exemption as cooperative or mutual housing corporations. To receive the exemption under current State law, a disabled veteran’s permanent residence must be a condominium, one-family, or multifamily home.

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    District 9


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    Calling it a clear violation of the State Constitution, Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf, and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove all voted against legislation to allow the Murphy Administration to borrow $9.9 billion without voter approval.

    Both the Senate and Assembly approved the legislation during voting sessions on July 16th. The legislation, A-4175, was quickly signed into law by Governor Murphy.

    Connors, Rumpf & Gove all voted against legislation to allow the Murphy Administration to borrow $9.9 billion without voter approval. (Wikimedia Commons)

    “State spending was out of control before COVID-19 hit. New Jersey’s fiscal condition was already under duress due to Trenton’s reckless spending of money that it didn’t have and that taxpayers could not afford.

    “Rather than face reality and listen to the pleas by desperate taxpayers and institute fiscal reforms, Trenton concocted a scheme to bypass the State Constitution to borrow nearly $10 billion without voter approval. While the borrowed money will be used up in one year, taxpayers will be picking up the costs for the next 35 years.

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    District 9


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    Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove will be voting NO on a legislative redistricting proposal that is being fast-tracked to avoid public scrutiny and deliberation.  The legislation (ACR-188) proposes to amend the State Constitution to allow for the legislative redistricting process to be delayed.

    Connors, Rumpf & Gove announced they will be voting against a legislative proposal to delay the redistricting process that is being fast-tracked to avoid public scrutiny and deliberation. (SenateNJ.com)

    The 9th District Delegation offered the following remarks:

    “This is a Trenton-power play meant to keep control in the hands of the few and protect the status quo. They are going all-in to ensure that the majority of the Legislature remains composed of tax increasers and big-government advocates who want and willingly allow the bureaucracy to micro-manage too many aspects of our lives.

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    District 9


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    Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf, and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove are calling on Governor Murphy to take swift action and direct the necessary resources to Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) facilities that were overwhelmed on the first day of opening after closing during the state of emergency.


    Connors, Rumpf & Gove called on Gov. Murphy to take swift action and direct the necessary resources to MVC facilities that were overwhelmed on the first day of opening after closing during the state of emergency. (NJMVC)

    “The debacle that was yesterday’s reopening of state Motor Vehicle Commission facilities is completely unacceptable. Motorists who were forced to stand in lines for hours have every right to be infuriated. Motorists who have to go to a facility in the near future are right to demand corrective action so hours-long wait times is not the new normal.

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    Senator Christopher Connors voted against controversial Common Interest Community legislation S-2261, which was voted on by the full Senate on June 29th of this year.


    Sen. Christopher Connors voted against controversial Common Interest Community legislation which was voted on by the full Senate. Asm. Brian Rumpf and Asw. DiAnne Gove have pledged to the bill should it be considered by the Assembly. (©iStock)

    The bill number from the previous legislative session was S-2425, which was the subject of an intensive citizen-led petition drive to have the legislation stopped from being enacted.

    Assemblyman Brian Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove have pledged to oppose S-2261 should it be considered by the Assembly.

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    District 9



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    Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove are demanding that the Senior Freeze and Homestead Benefit programs be protected and fully funded under the State Budget. To respond to and organize growing public opposition, the 9th District legislators have created an online petition calling on Governor Murphy NOT to cut the Senior Freeze and Homestead tax relief programs.

    Connors, Rumpf & Gove have launched an online petition urging Gov. Murphy not to cut the Senior Freeze and Homestead Benefit property tax relief programs. (©iStock.com)

    “Eliminating or cutting the Senior Freeze or the Homestead Benefit programs would have a devastating financial impact on taxpayers, especially seniors, who rely on those programs to stay in their homes and pay their bills. As such, vital property tax relief programs must be prioritized and fully funded in the State Budget. The question shouldn’t be if these programs are funded, but how.”

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    District 9


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    Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove have made clear to their colleagues and the Murphy Administration that they outright reject a legislative proposal to authorize the state to borrow $10 billion, without voter approval. The Assemblypersons have already voted against the legislation, A-4175, which was passed along party lines by the Assembly on June 4 of this year.

    Connors, Rumpf & Gove have made clear to their colleagues and the Murphy Administration that they outright reject a legislative proposal to authorize the state to borrow $10 billion, without voter approval. (Pixabay)

    “Two years of big government spending and high taxation has had a devastating effect on New Jersey’s ability to respond to COVID-19 from a fiscal standpoint.

    “Despite the financial hardships many still face, Trenton now wants the taxpayers to bailout the state by borrowing billions of dollars, without voter approval, in violation of the State Constitution. As part of the scheme to pay for the borrowing, Trenton plans to increase, of all things, property taxes. For many taxpayers in our legislative district, this would force them to send even more of their tax dollars to a school district in some other part of the state.

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    District 9


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    Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove are alerting constituents that the controversial Common Interest Community Legislation from last year, S-2425, has been reintroduced and advanced in committee.  The new bill number for the current Legislative Session is S-2261.

    More than 9,000 residents signed a petition opposing legislation, later vetoed by the Governor, to change common community laws. The bill is back again, and Senator Connors, Asm. Rumpf and Asw. Gove are leading the opposition. (@iStock)

    On May 27 of this year, Senator Connors voted against S-2261 as a member of the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.  Following the bill’s release from Committee, the 9th District Delegation provided an update to constituents:

    “A large and actively engaged majority of our constituents living in age-restricted communities do not want or need Trenton interfering with the operations of their communities.

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    District 9


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    Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove have called on Governor Phil Murphy to veto the minutes of any meetings held by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority (NJTA) and the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) which approve toll increases on the Garden State Parkway, the New Jersey Turnpike, and/or the Atlantic City Expressway.

    Connors, Rumpf & Gove have called on Gov. Murphy to veto the minutes of meetings held by the NJ Turnpike Authority and the South Jersey Transportation Authority which approve toll increases. (Wikimedia Commons)

    In 한컴오피스 한글 2021 VP 뷰어 - 好玩苹果网:2021-6-1 · ⬇️한컴오피스 한글 2021 VP 뷰어下载:"한컴오피스 한글 2021 뷰어"는 (주)한글과컴퓨터에서 개발하여 배포하는 한글 전용 뷰어 프로그램입니다. "한컴오피스 한글 2021 뷰어"를 이용하면 ‘한글’을 설치하지 않은 사.., the 9th District delegation made the following statements:

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    District 9

    爆料不过一小时|苹果5g手机新爆料:iPhone12系列发布会或 ...:1 天前 · 苹果5g手机新爆料:iPhone12系列发布会或9月举行 时间:2021-06-17 18:18:26 来源: 作者:网络 [PConline 资讯]一直伍来,有关iPhone 12系列的爆料不断,之前也有爆料称iPhone 12系列很会可能延 …

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    Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove issued the following statement regarding New Jersey’s economic future in meeting the challenges created by COVID-19:

    Connors, Rumpf & Gove issued the following statement regarding New Jersey’s economic future in meeting the challenges created by COVID-19. (©iStock)

    “New Jersey needs to expedite the process of reopening the state.

    “The responsibility to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is in all of our hands. Americans understand the threat posed by this disease after having COVID-19 dominate their lives for nearly two months. They can be and must be trusted to conduct themselves accordingly.

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